SEC NO. CN 201628813
The association shall be known as Team MSI 125 Bluecore [PH] through its acronym as “TEAM BLUECORE” for brevity. And shall be under the authority of the Republic of the Philippines.
Our mission to promote safe motorcycle riding throughout the country and to unite all MSI 125 users. And educating them about the public safety and responsibility, our mission also includes local charity, positively involved in our community and as a group creates a family shares our experience and knowledge with each other. Explore and enjoy and create a wonderful memory using our motorcycle.
Our Goal to promote safe riding to become a responsible rider and to unite all MSI 125 Bluecore users in the Philippines.
To encourage responsible motorcycle-ownership and safe motorcycle journey among our members by conducting several activities and ride journeys which would enhance and teach our members to take care of themselves and their motorcycles while on the road.
Section 1. Requirements:
Male Rider
Three (3) EB Plus One (1) Ride or
One (1) EB Plus Two (2) Ride
Lady Rider
One (1) EB Plus One (1) Ride or
Two (2) EB
Section 2. Qualifications for Membership–
Own MSI 125 BLUECORE Motorcycle
Legal Age 18 years Old and above
All riders should have complete documents valid driver’s license, valid motorcycle OR/CR under your name or authorization letter from the owner.
Physical and Mentally Healthy
Not Affiliated with any MSI 125 Group
Good moral character
Yclub Member
Section 3. Fees –
Membership Fee for new Member – 350php (Included Series sticker and side sticker
Yearly Fee:
1st year – 200php
2nd year – 100php
3rd year – 50php
Each rider must be covered by liability insurance, either by a group policy or by a personal policy.
Each rider is considered to be on a personal ride. All riders are required to conduct themselves in a civil manner and abide by all applicable traffic laws and regulations.
Riders are required to respect local customs with regards to decorum.
Team MSI 125 Bluecore PH Inc. reserves the right to refuse or cancel membership without Notice for individuals who have:
demonstrated a lack of respect for others.
been disrespectful in their interactions with Admin, and fellow-riders;
conducted themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner at any EB or Ride.
Violate any rules under the code of conduct under Article XII Sections 1
Section 1. Official EB
Facilitated BY recognized Admin
The order of business for the official EB meeting shall be as follows:
Meet and Greet;
Discussion about the group
Updates from Chapter Admin
briefing if any ride or activity
The majority of votes of the members may amend the order of business present.
Any decision concerning the chapter must be done thru voting A majority, i.e., 50% plus 1, of the duly regular members in attendance on the overall membership of chapter.
Section 2. Attire and Gear
An official member shall always wear their vest (refer to Articles XIII section 1 for guidelines)
Proper gear should be wear at all times
No slippers and open footwear are allowed.
Section 2. EB Tambay / Special Meeting
Can be facilitated by an official member of any admin without proper announcement or posting.
The aspirant who attends this meeting can be recognized if any ADMIN are present
Section 3. Ride and Event
Shall be properly communicated, all event and ride should be posted on the general page and coordinated on the national admin chat group. to avoid any conflict in relation to another event
The ride should be always facilitated by admin or officer with the help of Elite group for marshal
The ride should be posted at least two (2) weeks’ notice prior to the event for proper preparation
Join ride with another group to be accompanied by admin and with proper information to nation officer.
Charity and another community event shall have a proper program and properly coordinated to the team (report shall be submitted)
No member shall be allowed to join the ride without proper gear
Please refer to Ride guidelines for safety and information.
Section 4. Grand EB and Ride
General EB/Ride should be posted at least 1-month notice prior to the event
The proper venue should be provided
Section 1. National officer.
to provide independent advice and counsel to the President and officers
to keep abreast generally of the activities of the organization and its chapters.
to ensure that the President is properly informed and that sufficient information is provided to enable the officers to form appropriate judgments;
in concert with the organization, to develop and set the agendas for meetings.
to act as Chair at meetings of the President, Officers,and Advisers
to recommend an annual schedule of the date, time and location of President and advisers’ meetings;
to call special meetings of the directors where appropriate;
to recommend to the Directors, after consultation with the advisers,
management and the Governance and Nominating Committee, the
appointment of members of the Committees of the National officers;
approve and create new Chapters
2. National Secretary –
The National Secretary shall issue all communications and notices as approved by the National
3. National Treasurer
The National Treasurer manage all national monetary nationwide particularly the membership fee.
4. Auditor
Ensures compliance with established internal control procedures by examining records, reports, operating practices, and documentation.
Verifies assets and liabilities by comparing items to documentation.
Completes audit work papers by documenting audit tests and findings.
Appraises adequacy of internal control systems by completing audit questionnaires.
Monitoring National funds report by the national treasurer.
Section 2. Officers
1. President
He / She shall preside in all meetings/EB of the Chapter.
He shall execute and implement all the directives, policies and resolutions issued by the National Officers.
he shall issue the necessary circulars and communications to execute and implement such directives and policies that are intended to improve and enhance the operations and activities of the Group.
2. Vice President
The VP shall exercise all the powers and perform all duties of the President during the absence or incapacity of the latter;
Communication and correspondence
3. Admin’s (Administrator)
He / She shall assist president/VP in all meetings/EB of the Chapter.
He / She shall be responsible for the administration and management of the day-to-day affairs and activities of the Chapter
He shall execute and implement all the directives, policies and resolutions issued by President.
Maintaining effective records and administration
4. Secretary
Ensuring meeting/EB are organized and minutes
Maintaining effective records and administration
Communication and correspondence
5. Treasurer
General financial oversight of the chapter
Financial planning and budgeting
Banking, bookkeeping record keeping
Section 1. Definition of Terms
Nominees – Candidates for elective positions, i.e., Board of Directors and Officers, shall be nominated prior to the election and required to be in attendance during the annual general membership meeting and election of officers.
Qualified Voters – All incumbent officers or designated representatives of the Chapters in good standing with the GROUP who are an official member not less than one month
Majority Vote – 50% plus 1 of the total number of qualified voters or the chapters in good standing that are in attendance in an election or total members of the Board of Directors or total members of National Officers.
Qualifications of an Officer and Term of Office
Section 1. President/VP
In good standing admin or Member for not less than 1 year.
No criminal record
Can handle and organize the chapter.
Knows how to handle people in a right way
Broad-minded and understanding.
Proper communication skills
Nominated by at least (2) admin/Officers
Section 2. Admins/Officers
In good standing Member for not less than 6 mons.
No criminal record
Broad-minded and understanding.
Can Handle Aspirant and guide them.
Nominated by Admin or any good standing members of the chapters
Proper communication skills
Section 3. Advisers
In good standing Member for not less than 1 year
No criminal record
Broad-minded and understanding.
Appointed by the Chairman and President
Proper communication skills
Section 4. The term of Office –
The officers and ADMIN of the Chapter shall serve for a term of at least one (1) year
Guidelines of Selection
Section 3. Election of Chapter Officers
President and Vice President shall be voted (online) by the current good standing admin/Officers and active members of the chapter. 50% plus 1 of the total votes shall be elected
Admin/Officers shall be approved by the majority of the good standing officers of the chapter. Or by the election of the currently active member present on the EB or online Voting 50% plus 1 of the total votes shall be elected
Advisers – Appointed by National officers or the President of the chapter. Considering the requirements for qualification.
Appointment – President has the right to appoint anyone to the position especially at the time of crisis in the chapter. Considering the requirements for qualification
Online Voting -- is a most especially for the higher position which will be done only on the chapter page. To ensure that only members by chapter will be allowed to vote.
Section 4. Dismissal
demonstrated a lack of respect for others.
been disrespectful in their interactions with Admin, and members
conducted themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner at any EB or Ride.
Violate any rules under the code of conduct under Article XII Sections 1
Inactive for more than six (6) month without any notice or leave of absence within the first year of service.
Section 5. Merit Wing
The only officers/admin who serves one (1) year (active) or more than shall be included on the list of admins and be recognized as part of the admin group and receive this highest rank.
Section 1. Organization and Establishment – Chapters may be organized and established upon compliance with the requirements and guidelines set upon by the TEAM BLUECORE
Section 2. Officers of the Chapter –
The following are the officers of a Chapter:
Vice President
Section 3. Membership to the Chapter–
Anyone may apply for membership to any Chapter of his choice if he meets the qualifications enumerated under Article IV Sections 1 and 2
The admin shall recommend the acceptance or rejection of the application of new members.
Aspirant shall be duly accomplished the requirement under Article IV Sections 1 and 2 before circulated.
Only aspirant who takes the oath of allegiance will be move to become an official member.
Aspirant will be given 6 months to fulfill the requirements to become OM, with this month you are given a chance to be part of each chapter GC for coordination and updated. But within those months without any progress admin will confirm your reason and ask for your intention. If you really want to be part of our group. We will give you another chance for 1 month. After that no progress or response, admin have the right to remove and reset all your record to the chapter.
Section 6. Chapter Eb and Ride
Hosted by President and officers.
The Chapter shall meet at least once a month unless otherwise specified by the President
Chapter ride shall follow Article V1 Sections 3
Please refer to (Eb guidelines for discussion and agenda)
Section 6. Group Chat (GC) or any form of communication
Facilitated by Admin and officers.
Only Official Member is allowed to any chapter GC by the group.
Officers always are present or included in any chat group as official.
Chapter Officers and admin has the right to create another chat group with aspirant, but all admin shall always be present to manage and supervise
Officers and admin have the right to kick/remove anyone who show disrespect to anyone.
Follow only the proper naming of the nick and group name under the guidelines.
Section 7. Dues and Other Assessments – The Chapter shall be authorized to collect from its members the annual and/or monthly dues and other special assessments to finance and undertake its plans, programs, projects, and activities. Please refer to Article IV Sections 3
Section 1. Preparation of a Standard Manual of Operations –
a. The Standard Manual of Operations shall formalize and institutionalize all the processes and procedures that the TEAM BLUECORE shall adopt in the discharge of its functions and management of its affairs. The Manual of Operations shall also serve as the template on how the TEAM BLUECORE shall conduct its plans, programs, projects, and activities.
I, (name), solemnly swear that I will support and obey the laws and legal orders by the duly constituted authorities chapter and will always be a good and responsible rider; I hereby declare that I recognize and accept the authority of Admin and Officers of Team MSI 125 Bluecore Philippines and will maintain true faith and allegiance thereto; and that I imposed this obligation upon myself voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So, help me, God.
Section 1. Rules
Any missed conduct resulting in damage to the name of the group.
Wearing a vest with slippers as footwear
Not wearing proper gear while wearing a vest
stopping at pedestrian lane while wearing a vest
Not following traffic rules and regulation while wearing a vest
wearing a vest on racing or any illegal form of riding
insulting, offensive, threatening, harassment, swearing or cursing or the use of vulgar obscene words to fellow member or rider are strictly prohibited
Courtship and having an affair with any of the Girlfriend/Wife of the fellow member are prohibited
Creation of any form of group or group chat that may cause disharmony of the team and conflict with bylaws.
ONLY Official Member corresponding to their series shall be allowed to USE the LOGO,
Reproduction and re-print any item under the name of team MSI 125 Bluecore PH is prohibited
Any bashing to fellow Member/rider especially those belongs to LGBT are not allowed. We all have our differences, so we should always give "RESPECT" to each other regardless of gender.
Pick fight to other fellow members and admin
Using our LOGO or any tampering with the current design without permission is prohibited
Using drugs or any illegal substances.
any form of illegal solicitation to other members.
Corruption of any officer or member of the chapter is prohibited
Borrowing money and not paying it which lead to conflict with each other.
Forcing anyone to drink and do something against his/her will.
Irresponsible drinking which may lead to any trouble to anyone and damages to property.
Section 2. Sanction
1st offense One (1) month suspension
Condition: wearing vest attending EB and Ride are not allowed
2nd offense penalty of (300php) with suspension
Condition: wearing vest attending EB and Ride is not allowed. removal from any chat group.
3rd offense expulsion/removal from the group confiscation of VEST and stickers!
Section 3. Violation of the offense.
Violating 1st offense. automatically escalate to 2nd offense any member can also confiscate your vest.
Violating 2nd offense. automatically escalate to 3rd offense any member can also confiscate your vest and sticker.
Section 3. Automatic dismissal.
Recruiting fellow member to join another group with the same set-up that we have is prohibited
Joining or involvement with another group with the same set-up that we have is prohibited you need to choose only one especially those group that is banned from us.
Involvement in any crime
Plotting to overthrow an officers or admin
Team MSI 125 Bluecore PH have the right to confiscate/Remove any item under the name of this group.
Section 1. Logo and Sticker –
The OM seal/logo will adopt the official seal of the Team MSI 125 Bluecore [PH] as its Official Seal with the series number. in addition to the words of its area below “, CENTRA/NORTH/SOUTH” inscribed in the lower part of the LOGO
The ADMIN shall adopt the official seal of the Team MSI 125 Bluecore [PH] as its Official Seal with the name below the series no. in addition the words: “ADMIN” or “POSITION” inscribed in the lower part of the LOGO
The official seal of each Chapter will have a unique design to recognize their location” including the small seal of the official LOGO
iv. All color schemes for the Chapter shall remain the same with the official LOGO seal
The official design of the TEAM BLUECORE Seal and sample shall be attached to these By-Laws for uniformity and reference.
Section 2. Use of the Official Seal –
The TEAM BLUECORE shall use and display the seal to recognize the official member.
Creative and stylized designs that will deviate from the official seal of the TEAM BLUECORE and Chapters shall not be allowed. However, the official seals of the TEAM BLUECORE and Chapters may be incorporated or placed together with other layouts intended for THE TEAM BLUECORE ACTIVITIES OR EVENT ONLY.
Section 3. VEST –
The official vest of TEAM BLUECORE shall be worn only by the official MEMBER, with the official Logo, with clear name and series in the front and official LOGO series at the back.
The ADMIN VEST shall adopt the official OM vest of the Team MSI 125 Bluecore[PH] as its Official vest with the ADMIN LOGO at the back
Member wish to resign or transfer to any group will not be allowed to use the official vest unless he or she will remove the LOGO and other related patches by team MSI 125 Bluecore
Or He or She may donate the vest under the goodwill to the new OM or the chapter itself that can be used by other especially on the ride.
The official design of the TEAM BLUECORE VEST and sample shall be attached to these By-Laws for reference.
All design is copy write by team MSI 125 Bluecore PH Inc.
Section 1.
Amendments – These By-Laws or any provision thereof may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the Members of the House of Delegates present and concurred by the majority vote of the Board of Directors at any regular membership meeting or special meeting duly called for that purpose.
All members of good standing with the TEAM BLUECORE adopted the foregoing By-Laws during the Grand EB/meeting held on June 09, 2018
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned Official Delegates from the different Chapters in good standing who were present at the said meeting or been inform online and voting thereat in favor of the adoption of the amended By-Laws and concurred by the Board of Directors and attested by the National Officers present at the said meeting have hereunto subscribed our signatures this 19th of May 2015 at San Pedro Laguna, Philippines
For the Members Chapters in Good Standing for The Term 2018-2019 Sitting as Official Representatives of the House of Delegates:
All materials and information contained in this website are for your reference only and to the best of our knowledge, correct and accurate at the time of its construction. These materials and information are subjected to changes and reviews from time to time without prior notice. Please contact us if you have any queries.
All trademarks, images, OEM names and part numbers shown are exclusive property of their respective owners and are solely used as reference to members only
All other rights reserved.