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  1. Three (3) EB Plus One (1) Ride or

  2. One (1) EB Plus Two (2) Ride



Qualifications for Membership



  1. Own A MSI 125 BLUECORE Motorcycle

  2. Legal Age 18 years Old and above with License

  3. Physical and Mentally Healthy

  4. Not Affiliated in any MSI 125 Group

  5. Should be Broad-Minded and not Kill Joy





    1.Membership Fee – 350php inclusive Series sticker, chapter sticker and side sticker


1. Always respect each other.  

2. No Offensive, Insulting, Threatening, arrogant and harassing comment; automatic deleted

3. No all caps Comment

4. No swearing or cursing, use of the vulgar obscene words is prohibited

5. ONLY Official Member corresponding to their series shall be allowed to USE the LOGO, reproduction and re-print is prohibited

6. EB shall only be hosted by AREA or CHAPTER ADMIN only

7. Creation of Chapter or Page is prohibited (Ref to MSi125PH Bylaws)

8. Dummy and suspicious account will be permanently banned (For FB Page only)

9. Affiliation to other MSI125 group is not allowed: (Ref to MSi125PH Bylaws)

10. Don't be sensitive.


Becoming a Member


With Team MSI 125 Blue Core Philippines, being a member is not just an added number to the total population of the team but simply being part of our growing FAMILY.

Becoming a member is to attend and complete a series of seminar like (EB) Eyeball where you and our family will benefit.


YOU, because when you finished all the topics you will now be a part of the family and can definitely join and enjoy the ride and other fun events and also get to more people and ask help whenever there’s any unexpected MC problems.

 TEAM, will have someone like you that couldn’t be found somewhere else. Your help, presence, time and suggestions are accepted to make TEAM MSI 125 “The Best among the Rest”, you could help for the stability and growth not just in numbers but in the milestones that our family could reach.


(In the event, you are not available on 1 to 2 (EB) you can attend to other chapter which conducts the same topic. Only allow 1 absent or will reset. This is to see those who are committed in joining the team.) Approved or not approved?


Topics to be discussed in each EB may benefit you a lot. Everything will focus on our MC, Roads, Rides and other events.

Once you have finished all the topics, that’s not the end of our activities. We will be taking it to the next level. Let’s RIDE!

© 2018 by Team MSI 125 Bluecore [Philippines]

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